The Pitcairn Environment Group (PEG) is an informal coalition of organisations with a shared interest in the environmental conservation of the Pitcairn Islands. Many members of the group are actively involved in conservation projects in Pitcairn, or have been in the past.

PEG meetings are held approximately twice per year in central London (with colleagues from Pitcairn and elsewhere joining by phone). If you would be interested to join the group and/or attend meetings, please email

The current membership is as follows:

Blue Ventures Conservation

The Botanic Gardens, Dublin

Dr Michael Brooke, University of Cambridge

Prof Terry Dawson, King’s College London

The Marine Reserves Coalition

Stewart McPherson, Redfern Natural History

National Geographic Pristine Seas project

Pitcairn and Norfolk Islands Society

The Pitcairn Islands Government Natural Resources Division

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

Robert Irving, Sea-Scope Marine Environmental Consultants

Jon Slayer

Dr Steve Waldren, Trinity College Dublin

The UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum

UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge

The Zoological Society of London